The flagship fund of EFAM is a Total Return China fixed income fund, which was launched in mid-2016, focusing on generating returns from both onshore and offshore China bond markets by managing portfolio risks (duration, FX, curve, credit and RV) actively and implementing risk allocation framework dynamically. The fund has always been the first mover of all the key market liberalization measures and to be among the first few foreign non-official investors gaining approval from regulator to access different onshore derivatives market using ISDA which differentiates us from other China bond funds. text. It's that easy!
Eastfort Dynamic Master Fund is an exempted mutual fund company domiciled in Cayman Islands, regulated by the Cayman Monetary Authority. The fund aims to deliver return with a dynamic investment approach, allocating risk capital to different components of the fixed income portfolio based on quantitative and qualitative assessments combined with risk-return analysis. text. It's that easy!